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Pay now or pay later for water

A reader writes to remind others that the referendum in Ashcroft on September 17 is not yes or no to a new water treatment plant.

Dear Editor,

It can be so simple; but it was played so very badly by the politicians that it became a tempest in a teacup. The new water treatment plant is happening. Like Interior Health said: this is not negotiable.

The federal government told the province what it wanted. The provincial government enacted legislation for a minimum standard and passed it off to Interior Health to make sure it gets done.

We are not voting yes or no for an expensive water treatment plant. We are asked to help decide how to pay for it: now, while there are known grants available, or later, when those grants may not be available. A lot of meetings, hand-wringing, and paper might have been saved if we were told this plainly.

Do you want to pay now or later? Simple. The political establishment on all levels failed to keep it simple. Now it is a very simple question: take what we can get now, or gamble that there may be a better deal later. I simply suggest we approve the necessary loan and get on with it.

Don’t like it? Ask the governments to back down on what they think is safe. Will that happen? Can the big bad wolf blow the house down?

It is so simple. Keep it that way, please.

Joris Ekering
