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Time to look elsewhere for accountability

Author says its time to move the protest against Ashcroft school's new name to the next level.

Dear Editor

First I  would like to thank those who joined me last evening at the newly renovated school in Ashcroft for the November meeting of the board of school trustees.

My only wish is that all 648 persons who petitioned the board with what I believe was a very reasonable request to revisit their decision regarding the naming of the school in Ashcroft could have been there. For the third time in as many months the board flatly refused to do so. I suggested that they hold the power, and with that power comes responsibility to hear the voice of those they were elected to represent. I again asked each of  the individual board members to search there hearts and I hope that they will do so. It appears at this time that we have exhausted the bottom rung of the ladder of government, but fortunately we live in a democratic society and government has several levels. I have asked to be advised as to what the next level is.

On a far more positive note we had the opportunity to view a presentation by the school administrators demonstrating a brief overview of the wonderful things taking place as the school transitions from a high school to a K-12.

We would like to thank Mrs. Minnabarriet and Mrs. Schalles for taking the time after the meeting to conduct several of us on a tour of the newly renovated facility. It is something that the community can be proud of. I would encourage others to take time to view it. I believe that the staff and students can and should be proud of their school.

As I have become involved in this process I have become reacquainted with our government as a body and the Canadian Charter of Rights and that has been a real plus for me. I have had the opportunity to speak with many folks and made new friends along the way. A special young lady who represents the Cook Ferry band, that I had met while conducting a basketball clinic many years ago, suggested two words that they are using now as they conduct their business: transparency and accountability. Thank you Tina.

I personally would like to thank Trish Lambert and the others involved in setting up the petition, so that each of the signees might give voice to their thoughts. It is now time to leave behind the bottom rungs of the ladder and look forward to the next step in our journey. It had been our hope that this issue could be resolved locally by a mutual agreement, however failing that we must now move on and embrace the next step..

Mike Baldwin
